Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi
Adventure Beyond the Border

Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Adventure...not all Peaches-n-Cream

Throughout this journey I have experienced both good times and challenges time. I call them challenges because in Life bad is just a perspective. I choose not to view the challenges in my Life as bad because with each challenge comes a lesson, growth an opportunity that allows me to become a better me. Ok! Enough of the philosophical BS!

Since I have been in Abu Dhabi I have enjoyed great weather, interesting foods, and met some wonderful people...some have become friends. But it has not all been wonderful. The challenges have been many and I have definitely learned a lot about myself. I have been able to grow some and in my mind become a more mature and better person.

Personal side:

I am currently learning that relationships (all types) can survive through distance. If two people desire a relationship/friendship to work distance will not cause it not too. We make decisions everyday about what we want in our lives and we do what we have to to make that happen. Distance can either make it stronger or weaker depending upon the mindset of the two people involved. In my case, my relationship/friendships have become stronger. I have received overwhelming support from those who care and love me. They have taken the necessary measures to stay in contact through FB, text or phone. Some have not!!! Those are the ones that are in question. I understand the Life happens to all of us and I don't expect constant contact from everyone, however contact every once in a while shows you are making an effort and that our relationship/friendship is important to you. I have family members that have not contacted me even once and I provided them with all the necessary information to do so. I have friends that I can never catch up with or hear from which means we weren't all that good of friends before I left. Anyway, relationships/friendships is what you make of them. if you want them to work you have put in the work...both individuals!!!

Professional side:

I have learned a lot on a professional level in the two months I have been here. I took on this challenge because I was tired of the public educational system in the states. I was on the verge of walking away from my career because I just couldn't deal with the politics of a system that does not value Teachers. Coming here has shown me that some people actually value teachers maybe not education like in the US but at least they realize that in order to achieve a quality education for their children teachers need to be appreciated. They show their appreciation through providing them with a wealth of benefits (pay, medical, housing). With it comes some challenging points...the question is do the benefits out way the challenges. In a previous post I discussed my challenges with receiving my housing. It has truly been a major challenge from me. I have been overlooked, screamed at, dismissed, and even told that "you have to understand that things here work slowly and you have to be patient". It is not easy being patient when you appear to be the only one without housing and sleeping on an air mattress in a friends (someone you just met by the way) apartment. Nevertheless, I am learning that to get upset or to become rude or disrespectful gets you no where. You have to learn to play their game and remain positive and respectful at all times, even when they seem to disrespect you. You do not have to become unruly also...be the BIGGER person. Kill them with kindness. Ultimately, God will take care you, just be patient and let His will be done. A lot of my issues with housing can be a direct cause of my reassignment to Abu Dhabi. 

See, I was placed in a temporary teaching assignment because they did not have housing for me in Al Gharbia (the West) in order to move me to my permanent teaching assignment. So instead of having me sit around relaxing by the pool (their words, which is something I never did) they placed me at a school in Abu Dhabi. Al Qimma school is a brand new school with NO structure and I was given 5th grade boys to teach. Having no structure is a situation that is not new for me. I have had to work in environments that lack structure before and chaos becomes the norm. I saw this as an opportunity to be relocated back to Abu Dhabi. You see, most people do not like going West to teach. We were told we cold in up in one of three areas with the West being the least favorite. Though I did not want to start an assignment and then be moved I went humbly to Al Qimma. It paid off because after about two weeks of being there I was asked to stay. Yes! I was staying in Abu Dhabi. But remember all of my information is in the West (medical card, old assignment, housing choice, etc.). So now I had to basically start over and get my name in the loop of the Abu Dhabi placement people. Organization as I know it to be is practically nonexistent to me. So if you do not stay on them and keep reminding them you will be forgotten hence why I am still waiting on housing after being here for two months.

I know this sounds crazy! And I know this probably could have or would have been handled differently by others however I truly believe that GOOD THINGS come to those who wait on Him. God has a plan and an apartment for me. I just have to be patient enough to wait on His timing. No do not that I did receive a housing assignment here in Abu Dhabi but the conditions were UNACCEPTABLE (previous post). I can wait for better housing.

So I still ask the question "do the benefits out way the challenges" and my answer is Yes! This is a great opportunity that not all people get the chance to enjoy. I am blessed and humbled that I was given this opportunity. I do not take it for granted or take it lightly. I will continue to enjoy the benefits, accept and deal with the challenges and continue to allow God's will to be done in my life and throughout this adventure.

So Thankful!

Til next time

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homeless...but not really!

So this journey has truly been a challenge for me over the past two months. I have gone from living in a 4-star hotel with all the perks to living on an air mattress in a friends apartment. How you say...well this is how the story goes.

On Sunday (Oct. 6th) I was told that I needed to leave the hotel and move into my permanent housing accommodations. Those accommodations were call Sahara 4. Below are pictures from my anticipated permanent accommodations.

These accommodations as you can imagine were unacceptable. Who places people in housing such as this. I refused to go to the Sahara 4. I was told to go there for 3-4 days and I would be provided new permanent accommodations or a new hotel room. Again, I refused to go there even one day. Instead, I chose to ask a friend if I could stay with her and she was kind enough to allow me to do that. I could have made a stink and request an extension for my hotel stay but I was so tired of being in the hotel. I was the only one left in the hotel and had no one to talk to so I was happy to find other accommodations. 

Here it is a whole week later and I am still living on an air mattress in my friends apartment. I was told on the last day of school before EID that this was unacceptable and never should have happened. I was promised that I would have permanent housing on Sunday the 20th after EID. I found out that I was overlooked, forgotten, skipped over for permanent housing. EMT's in groups after me (group 3, 4 & 5) have received housing already. They were giving very nice accommodations. The good thing is that my Principal spoke on my behalf requesting that all teachers in his school (Al Qimma) receive good housing because we were dealing with enough at our school. The suggestion was made for Rihan Heights where my friend is living. I was told that there were no more apartments available there but that would have been nice to just have to roll my things to another apartment.

It's things like this that cause people to be runners. I choose to share the good and the "challenges" of this adventure. It's not always going to be positive everyday. Sometimes there are challenges that you will have to face. The goal is to be patient and think before you speak. Understand that all issues do not have to be confrontational even if the other party is being that way. Try to step back and understand situations from the other persons point of view. The journey will make you mature or become more angry with life. You can't react to situations in the negative ways that you used. Just because people respond to you in a negative way doesn't mean you have to react like them. Take the high road and know that it's their issue not yours and that kindness goes a long way. Remember the reason why you chose to accept this journey and that God would not have place this on your heart if it wasn't for you. He didn't say it would easy but He said you don't have to do it alone. Have faith, trust and believe that humbling yourself does not mean your are allowing people to walk over you. You get a lot more with honey...be the bigger person in each situation and you will always come out on top.

Sunday, October 20th, is D-day for me. The question remains "Will I have permanent housing or not"?

Til next time

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The 4th-5th Grade Riot...Hmmmmm!

So chaos at my school hit an all time high! The new school I am at has potential however for now there is no structure and a lot of chaos with the students. Staff is wonderful and trying diligently to develop a bond and some since of routine. We have no master schedule, no discipline plan operating, short on teachers and lack of supervision for the students.

The students run the hallways like they are outside. You ask them to stop and they simply look at you and start running again. They lay with rolling chairs pushing them up and down the hall...racing each other with another student sitting in it or they just use them as merry-go-rounds spinning each other in the chair. This past Tuesday, the 4th and 5th grade students took it to another level. They had a crazy, unstructured, riot type display in the cafeteria. The students were running around, climbing tables, throwing chairs...simply treating the cafeteria like a playground. HOR-RI-BLE!!! They were escorted out of the cafeteria and band from going for the next two days. Not sure why they did what they did but someone is going to get seriously hurt one day if structure is not put into place. The administration pulled them all together and had a talk to them about their behavior and the consequences of their behavior. Unfortunately, there are NO real consequences. Students realize nothing is going to happen to them but maybe a phone call home. The problem with that is that if they act like that at home, then a parent will not see their behavior as needing to be corrected.

Chaos for me only happens outside of the classroom. In my efforts to get control, structure and a respect in my class I had to be tough, stern and implement my OWN discipline plan...stand on the wall silence is golden, try it. LOL! It seems to work but it takes a little time for them to get used to it. I still have the resistance crew...about 4 to 5 that feed off each other and try to run things. I crushed the spirit of the leader and left him with only one or two followers. Golden! Overall, the students are great! I like them and care about why they act the way they do. Showing them you care about them goes a long way, like with any kid.

Back home we talk inclusion with exceptional ed students...here it is total inclusion without labels! The students are UNIQUE in their own right and there is no separate exceptional ed classes. Students are just thrown into a classroom "alphabetically" and assigned a teacher. It's crazy but you have to go with it. The one's that probably should be or have been identified as special needs are mixed in with the population. A teacher could have a class full or a few depending on their names (alpha order remember). I will speak on curriculum in another post because that deserves it's own attention...LOL!!! I believe that this has something to do with their behavior because a lot of teachers are not equipped to teach special needs children and the curriculum is the same...no modifications are made for them. They are held at the same expectations. Because students are unable to do the work, struggle with the language and overall do not want to be there brings another dynamic to instruction and discipline.

I don't want to seem like this system over here is crap...it's not! It is very little difference between the inner-city school district back home and here. Come over here thinking that education in the schools are better will set you up for failure...frustration! You have to have a plan...an exit plan and remember WHY you made the decision to come here. You are not here to change the world...you can't and they don't want you too. Keep a positive outlook with a focus on your goal and don't let the chaos penetrate your inner spirit. They are slow to respond to things here and even though numerous request have been made for assistance to bring structure to the school I am at...it sometimes appears it falls on death hears. Students are not use to structure, demands, the word "no" or anything else that resembles positive interaction with another human being. Not only are we teaching them curriculum but SOCIAL skills is definitely a MUST if you want your classroom to be an environment conducive to learning. You must include in your decision making process that life in the classroom is no better than it is in your home country...children are children everywhere you go. The money is good for some people (they do not give raises and they have a salary cap of 12 yrs in education) but if you remain focused and used this experience for what it is...you will be able to maintain for enough years to reach your ultimate goal...Financial Freedom!

Til next time

Friday, September 20, 2013

Temporary Assignment

My school placement is in Ghyathia, Al Gharbia at Al Mottahida all girls school. I believe I will be teaching 6th math. I am excited about my new job opportunity however I am not teaching there as of yet. For now the housing situation for the EMT's of the West have been placed on hold. The hotels (2) are completely full and the apartments have not been cleared for placement. So I am unable to move there to start my assignment. So for now I have been placed in a temporary assignment at Al Qimma School teaching 5th grade boys. Initially I was upset. Getting use to a new culture, language and rules is challenging enough and then having to adjust to your students only to be pulled away and have to go through that adjustment period again and again is even more challenging. Then I realized, this is not about me. God's will for my life will ultimately be done...it will either be done smoothly or kicking & screaming! I choose smooth transition!!! 

I feel that there is a reason for this process and I may not know the reason but I will simply go with the flow. I know in my heart that His will doesn't always match my desires for my life. The moment we realize the God is in control and we turn over to Him the reigns of our lives...our lives will be better off. You cannot guide your live better then God so why do we try. Since going to the temporary assignment I have enjoyed a wonderful experience of teaching. Yes! Enjoyed! A year ago you would not have heard those words come from me. I was miserable in the public school system and wanted out! God place the right people in my life to guide me to this new adventure. I love it and Him!!! 

The school is nice and the staff is friendly. I get to see students work hard and learn new things. No! it is not perfect by no means. Whenever you interact with other human beings their lives is imprinted on your life. If you do not stay focused on your higher power, your guide you will fall prey to the worlds problems, issues and stresses. We cannot allow other peoples "imprint" to penetrate out thoughts and cause issues in our lives. I trust God's will for my life and believe that all will work out the way it is suppose too. I may not be able to see the future or know when or if I will be going to Ghyathia but what I am sure of is that where ever I end up is where God wants me to be. I have been praying that I stay in Abu Dhabi at the temporary placement school however I will humbly go where I am lead to go. Following His will for my life.

This process is truly not for the soft hearted, the impatient, the control freak or even the logical thinker because nothing will make sense to you. You have to learn to relax and go with the flow and TRUST that His will will be done in His time...not yours!!!

Til next time   

Slow Moving

So! I have been in this country since August the 28th and as of today I still live in a hotel out of my suitcase. The process is slow but it doesn't have to be frustrating, it's all about what you make it. This country is all about inshallah (if Allah wills it). No one rushes to do anything except for taxi drivers...everywhere else is all about being patient. Banks and other establishments have you taking a number. It doesn't matter if you're in a hurry, the process will take as long as it takes. Coming here will truly require a change of mindset and a lot of patience.

Cost to live is actually very reasonable as it is compared to life in the US. A friend purchased (2) dresses, purse, lamp, 12 piece pots & pans set, blanket, shower rod, a bunch of kitchen stuff, baskets, scented oils, food and a microwave for $254 US (932 dirhams)...AMAZING!!! Yes! There are things that you have to adjust to...a new way of thinking and a new way of living (laws) but overall it is worth the experience.

So often when we venture out into a new job, location or experience we have expectations for it. Then sometimes we are disappointed because we fail to realize that the idea to venture out was not your decision it was His will to even plant the idea in your mind. If we keep in mind that His will is what we should live by then all things will be received with peace and understanding. Sometimes we allow the human side of us take over our decision making and reasoning skills. This becomes a problem after a while because nothing truly goes according to our plan only His plan.

So if you are planning to take on a knew challenge in your life remember to first PRAY about and ask for His guidance. Quiet your thoughts by sitting still and letting His will to show you where to go and what to do. It can be challenging sometimes because most of us look for instant gratification. We want things right now! Patience is not really our forte' but if you can master the ability to wait on Him amazing things can happen in your life. Don't worry about what other people think because they are not paying your bills and taking care of you. Most will have something to say about the things you do anyway because they are unable in their own lives. Stay strong and trust in God...He will never leave you or let you down.

Til next time

Monday, September 2, 2013


Patience seems to be a word that is WIDELY used in Abu Dhabi. They do things here at a snails pace and without stress. On one hand I absolutely love it but on the other hand I have had my moments where it has driven me crazy. In the US everything is rush, rush, rush and the level of stress is outrageous. If you cannot control your stress level you may end up with high blood pressure, hypertension, headaches, heart issues and so many other ailments. Over here the relaxed atmosphere will happen...in the words of Allah "Inshallah" which means "if Allah wills it". No one seems to be in any hurry.

I did my medical check up today and on Wednesday (09-04-2013) I have my School Operation Orientation. It's funny because back in the states they try to cram everything into a two workshop leaving you more confused and stressed then you were before it started. I like the fact that they take as many days they deem necessary to get the job done. Not sure when I will learn about my school placement and my housing but until then I will simply enjoy the luxuries of the Aloft Hotel and all its amenities.

This process takes time to develop so if you are thinking about taking this journey one day remember your patience will be tried and tested...but know in the end all will be accomplished "stress-free".

Til next time

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Safari Adventure

WOW!!! What an incredible experience I had on the Safari Trip with new friends. We went doom bugging and it was hilarious. The passengers were screaming, laughing and simply having a great time. At times we didn't know what was going to happen. Riding in a 4x4 on sand through the Abu Dhabi desert was crazy fun. I loved it. Then we saw camels that we were able to take pictures with. We also got to ride a camel, an ATV and enjoyed some traditional native food. The belly dancer was great!!! I have got to learn how to belly dance and work my hips like that. Man! Incredible. Zumba and Belly Dancing classes are on my "TO DO" list...very close to the top!

This has been a wonderful experience so far. Every day I rise and look out my hotel window I feel even more BLESSED! I am INTERNATIONAL now. I am enjoying this incredible experience and I am looking forward to meeting and teaching the children I will have. I can see my LOVE for teaching and learning returning. I think that everyone should take advantage of the opportunity to live abroad once in their lifetime.

In the words of Queen Lateefah in Last Holiday :"MAKE ME INTERNATIONAL".

Til next time

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Journey 2

So let me break it down...

Life overseas or whether the task of getting here is very adventurous. From the beginning to the arrival and so much more you will encounter things that are unusual, amazing, and challenging.

First there was the 14 hr trip from Chi-town to Abu Dhabi:

I meet new and interesting people. The Flight Attendants were dressed so nice in their two piece gray suits, and simple head wrap and a cute little hat. They were pleasant, helpful and full of life. We enjoyed two meals and several snacks and a limitless amount of drinks. The plane was HUGE. It reminded me of the plane in Queen Latifahs "Last Holiday". It had three seats on the left and the right and four seats in the middle (total 10 seats). Yes! Plane was 98% filled to capacity. A lot of individuals coming over to teach, enjoying a leg of their flight as well as coming home to Abu Dhabi. I met an interesting Lady heading back to Abu Dhabi from visiting her daughter in Chicago. She shared and shared and shared...yes, talked sometimes when I had headphones on and not even listening. I think she just needed to talk.

Abu Dhabi is a beautiful place:

The city is only about 25 to 30 years old. They have done a remarkable job building it up and giving it "modern" life. The architecture is "crazy - wickedly" beautiful (if that makes sense). Odd shapes, a lot of lighting, culturally relevant buildings, and modern classic ones. They drive worse then New Yorkers and DC folks but they get the job done. The money here is called a dirham. Today it is worth $3.67 per US dollar. For you known math folks that means if I converted $100 US dollars to AED money I would get 367.00 dirhams. It is a little easier to convert then it was when I went to Curasau! LOL!!! I have been to the mall. It is HUGE! It has four floors, broken into four sections and even has an amusement park inside. Yes! I said amusement park. No it is not like Six Flags, Kings Island, or even Walt Disney however it is big enough to entertain an host of young children allowing their parents both stress and relaxing...sometimes at the same time. LOL! It reminds me of a "pimped up" Dave-n-Busters. CRAZY!!! I will be exploring more later.

My Hotel - The ALoft:

Nice accommodations. Not as nice as the Hilton I stayed in in Curacau but it's nice. They took care of us. Nirvana Travel picks us up at the airport. Helped us get through customs comfortably and brought our luggage and bodies to the hotel. Very organized. Upon getting here the hotel staff took over and did a great job checking some 150+ people (some with families) with few glitches. Yes! There were a few mishaps and errors but overall I am comfortable giving them a 9 on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being worse and 10 being absolutely the best). My room and great! King size bed, shower with glass surround and overall nice. Food is good (at least the breakfast I had). Not sure how much longer I will reside in a hotel. Should be getting my home placement soon.

I am so blessed to have this experience. I WILL NOT take it for granted! I am hear to work, nurture young minds and enjoy this chapter of my life. I plan to do it on a BUDGET!!! LOL!

Til next time

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Journey

So I am in Abu Dhabi now. The trip here was 14 hours from Chi-town to Abu Dhabi. Very adventurous to say the least. Ok so my flight from ATL to Chicago went ff without a hitch. Meet a few EMT's that were headed over as well and it was great. Now in Chicago I faced a couple of hiccups.

First, I was unable to take my rolling computer bag on as a carry-on. They said it was too wide. So of course I had to check it. I took out my computer and notebook and checked the bag at the low-low price of $175.00 (ouch!!!). This was an unexpected expense however I knew it was probable. In my haste to get it down though I left all my documents in my "now" checked bag. So when I arrived in Abu Dhabi I did not have all my documents in hand to go through security. The good part about it God handles ALL things. It took no time for the rep to print it out and get me through customs.

Second, my cycled started. So the whole trip from Chi-town to Abu Dhabi was spent worried about my clothing and cramping. Not good. Again God is good because one of the new EMT's with me (Brandy) had the necessary items to give me to ease my mind. So thankful to her.

Lastly, I had no communication to anyone back home. My magic jack phone wasn't working and the internet either. Do I have to say it again...ok, I will...God is Good! I went downstairs and they connected me to the internet with no problem and I figured things out with my phone. I do not have mobile phone yet but at least when I am in my room I can talk.

So that has been my adventure so far. I will be writing more later because I have so much running through my mind to share that I'm going into overload.

Til later

Monday, August 26, 2013

So My Adventure Begins

I am so HAPPY and EXCITED about upcoming adventure. It was a semi-long wait for my departure information however the TIME is here now. I will be leaving the country on Tuesday, August 27th on a 1:50 pm flight out of Atlanta with a layover in Chicago. Yes! I am ready to go! My flight to Abu Dhabi will be 14 hrs. WOW!!! I can do this! I just need to be feed!

I have said my goodbyes, my so longs, and my see you later's....and yes my "I will miss you's". There are a few people I will miss more than others but nonetheless I will be missing folks. This adventure will take me to another country. An unfamiliar place whose culture, values and people are different then what I am accustom to however I am ready for the challenge. I know I will grow tremendously from this experience from all that I will learn.

I give all praises to Him and I know things happen in His time and not mine. As things move forward, my patience and my ability to be flexible will be tested. In the in-person interview we were told that our placements will be based on need and that we have know say in where we will live or teach. There are three specific areas in the UAE that we can be place...ok, better, best! The stories we have heard about each area left me wanting better or best but I will go where He sends me. I believe that where ever I am placed will be the best placement for me...I may not see it at first but I will embrace whatever area I am in. Remembering my purpose for going and the goals I want to achieve while being there. I am sooooo THANKFUL for this opportunity.

Til next post

Friday, August 16, 2013

Still Waiting...

So this process is taking it's toll on me. I am anxious, frantic, and going crazy. The few people that know I am leaving ask me daily when will I be leaving. All I can say is "soon". There is a little concern because I have resigned from my teaching position and technically I have no income after August 30th. I believe and have faith that what is for me..is for me!!! The human side of me is nervous about my situation right now. Not knowing is difficult to deal with on a daily basis. I know that this "not knowing" will end soon. I just pray that I can continue to be a positive example to those around me who are watching how I handle things. Being patient is not just waiting for an answer, it's how you act while waiting! I want to be an inspiration for others who decide to follow their dreams and realizing that reaching goals and dreams take time. Everything happens in GODS time and His time is ALWAYS right on time.

During my wait there are things that I need to get done. I didn't realize how much paperwork I needed to do as it relates to my personal life (i.e. Living Will, POA, Life Insurance, etc.). These things (except POA) should have been in placed before however the new journey is placing a magnifying glass on the situation. I have taken care of the Life Insurance but not the Living Will and POA. It's a lot but it needs to be handled. I suggest that if you are going to make a MAJOR life style change like I am to make a list and check them off as you go.

This new journey is exciting and truly needed. I am looking forward to all that I will experience and learn. I have visited my friends and family for the last time. I am completing my last paper for my class (working on Doctorate) and I am all packed. I have made provisions for my home, my son will have my vehicle and my business has been handled. I need to do the two items above, a change of address and handle our cell phones.

I am claiming Saturday, Aug. 17th, as my day! I had a very vivid dream that something exiting happened on that day. I was running around all excited shouting I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving!!! I pray that my dream was letting me know I will be leaving soon.

In the words of Haneefa..."Good things come to those who wait" and "No news is good news".

Abu Dhabi bond!!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Patiently Waiting!!!

Ok! So I have been reading that a lot of people have received their e-tickets and itineraries. They are aware of when they are leaving and the journey has come to fruition. Not Me!!! I am still waiting to find out if and when I will leave for my new adventure in another country. Let me change that last sentence...I am still waiting to find out WHEN I will be leaving for my new adventure in another country. I am so excited but also a little sad. I will miss someone who is very dear to my heart...my best friend. I know I will be ok however I will miss him. The wait for my e-ticket and itinerary is driving me crazy. I constantly check my email and spam with anticipation thinking today will be the day! Nope! Not yet! Still waiting and waiting and waiting. I had a dream the other day that was as vivid as me sitting at the table talking to my son that I will be leaving on August 17th. What was the significance of my dream? Will I actually be leaving on that day, should I play the lottery 817 or will I receive my e-ticket and itinerary on that day? Dreams mean something just have to wait and see, I guess!

I see that Nirvana (travel agency) is not very organized though. A few of the people who have received their information has had to make contact with them to make corrections...name, children not listed, wrong visa attached, etc. This maybe the reason they are so far behind because they are having to spend time correcting the one's already sent out they cannot focus on getting out those that are waiting. I just hope I will find out soon.

Til next time!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Time to Pack!

Today I began my packing process. I think my situation is different from most that are taking this journey.  Unlike most, I am not selling, renting or leasing my home. I am treating this whole experience like an extended vacation. My packing will be less intense as others. The only thing I need to be concerned with is clothes, documents, a few supplies and technology. I do not have to pack up my house or have a garage sale. I will be coming back to my home. 

My best friend and son will be taking care of my house while I'm away. Anytime I come home for a visit I will have a place to stay. Besides, I plan to give Abu Dhabi between 2 and 4 years. Not sure if I will extend beyond four. I do have a reason to return to the US I just would like to return being financial secure and with the ability to work stress free. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can see life after living abroad. I continue to put my plans in Gods hands praying that they match His will for my life. 

I am approximately 24 days away from my anticipated departure. I hope to see a few people before I leave. 

Resigned from position

As of 11:30 am on July 25, 2013 I have submitted ALL necessary paperwork for my resignation from my current position with the Dekalb County School System. I am know patiently awaiting their official notice of my departure. I had many positive and uplifting experiences teaching in Dekalb; however in the end it was rachet! Approximately 5 years of no pay increases, furlough days, increased work loads, and lack of support.

Today, I am headed towards another adventure. I will be packing and moving overseas to teach. I am looking forward to this opportunity and excited about learning a new culture. I believe this will be a chance for increased professional development and improvements on my resume.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's amazing how God works!

YES! It's amazing how God works!

I have been contemplating whether or not I would continue forward with this new adventure. The reason behind my uncertainty stemmed from the diminishing health of my parents. They both have been battling cancer for several years now. They have had good day and some bad ones. This summer their health began to get progressively worst. First it was my dad then my mom. Because of this, I was not comfortable going so far away from home. I worried a lot about where I would be when God called them home. 

Well, like I said above "It's amazing how God works". On June 3, 2013, my dad was called home to be with the Lord. Then on July 10, 2013 my mom was called home as well. Be situations that left me wavering my decision to go have been solved. God worked it all out in His infinite wisdom. Prayer works and being faithful, leaning not on my own understanding and believing in His infinite power I am able to be relieved of the stress of leaving my ill parents behind. Now I can begin this journey with a clear mind and conscious. All Glory given to God!

So if I made the first "travel" cut, I have approximately 21 days before my departure. God knows I haven't packed a thing. I have so much to do in the next few days.

My 21-day count down "to do list":

1. Put a Power of Attorney in place
2. Review and check that I have all my documents
3. Get my 10 passport pictures
4. Make 20 colored copies of my passport
5. Prepare my house
6. Find a home for my plants
7. Pack
8. Make sure car is in order for son
9. Check departure information to make sure I have everything completed
10. Get son squared away at college
11. Get a backpack
12. Check all technology equipment...making sure it works
13. Download cell phones and get son set up on T-mobile
14. Do subscriptions for VPN, Netflix, Hulu+ and USTVNOW.com
15. Provide Majic Phone number to family and friends
16. Update email list with friends
17. Pack
18. Clean house & clean out refrigerator & cabinets of perishable items
19. Make sure all mommies business is in order
20. Review everything to make sure I've left nothing behind

So as you can see, I have a lot to do. I am going to work to maintain my blog so you can take this journey with me.

Til next time

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Process

Ok! So there is a lot to do before I start my new adventure in Abu Dhabi. From putting my affairs in order at home before I leave and getting things together that I must have for my travels. It is a lot when you are actually making a move and not just going on vacation.


The question is "what will I do with my house?" I don't want to sell it or let it go. I don't know if leasing it is an option because where will my son and I stay when we are not out of the country or away at school, respectively? Not a lot of options her. I wish I had a close friend or someone I knew who needed a place to stay. They could house sit while we are away and be our roommate when we are home. That would be the perfect scenario however we do not live in a perfect world. So this dilemma is tabled for now!


I need to cancel things like cable and the garbage. Place everything else on paperless billing and then do something with my mail. Not sure if I will put in a forwarding address or simply get a safe deposit box that my son can check periodically for me. Go part is I do not get a lot of mail in the first place. My cell phone will be down graded since I will not be able to use it overseas and I recent signed up with Magic Jack Plus. I was informed that this will allow me to speak to family and friends back in the states without worrying about international rates. It is like they are calling me at the house...now how cool is that? I created myself a spreadsheet to keep me focused and on track with payoff bills and saving money. My ultimate goal is to come back home debt free and with a nice savings. Staying focused and not spending a lot of unnecessary funds is the key. I'm on a mission!!!


I'm not sure when I will actually be leaving. My departure webinar provided me with a lot of good information and only a window of when I may be traveling. It if all goes well I will be leaving mid-August. I am excited about this opportunity however it is bitter-sweet. I will miss my mom and my boys a lot as well as my friend. We have been together for 11 months now and being away from him will be challenging but not impossible. I know God would not have laid this opportunity on my heart if it was not meant for me to pursue. He is very supportive and what is meant to be will be no mater the distance between us.  Sorry! I kind of got off track. Ok! back to travel. I have a lot of packing to do and haven't even started. There are plenty of things I will not be taking with me because out of my respect for the culture I will not wear them there. I have several long dresses and skirts that I will be taking. I need to purchase light sweaters, shawls, and shirts that cover my chest and arms. Toiletries, hair products, and any other special items I desire need to be purchased here and taken with me.

The flight is about 15 hours long and I believe that is only if I do not have a layover. I will be leaving from Atlanta. I've never flown longer than 5 hrs and that was to Seattle, Washington for a cruise to Alaska. Loved the cruise didn't care for the flight. This flight will obviously be more taxing and challenging for me. The destination is worth it though. I will be put up in a hotel upon arrival until they get my housing situated. I pray that I am placed either in Al Ain or Abu Dhabi. Don't have a desire to be in any rural area away from everything.

I plan to visit other places while there but will have to be in the budget or I will be enjoying all that Abu Dhabi has to offer. One place I will go is Dubai though since it is so close to where I will be teaching.

Til next time

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Beginning...

So this journey began for me back in October 2012. A friend of mine told me about teaching abroad. Never thought it was something I really wanted to do but with the public educational system being the way it is in the US it became an option for me. I told myself that if it was meant to be, God's will, then things would flow smoothly for me from beginning to end. So far it has.

I received an offer letter and decided to accept it after my Dad passed away and I had a conversation with a very dear friend. I was able to tell my dad about the offer before he passed so that made me happy. I am looking forward to this adventure however I will missed a lot of "special" people in my life. The good part is that I can visit home during vacations and still have open lines of communication while I'm there. This will make the transition a little easier.

This will be only my 2nd time leaving the country. Heck! I just got my passport last summer to attend a wedding in Curacao. I enjoyed it so much that the travel bug was extended to include out of the country travels. I plan to visit other countries while I'm enjoying this new adventure and learn a lot about other cultures including the Islamic culture where I will be working.

I know there will be challenges and concerns however I love an adventure. I am not the one to sit around with a lot of shoulda-woulda-coulda's missing out on life and all it has to offer. I plan to stay current with my post and hope that anyone that chooses to read about my journey will enjoy it and maybe get bit by the travel/adventure bug too.

Til next time