Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi
Adventure Beyond the Border

Friday, September 1, 2017

2017 Sadness to Overwhelming Happiness

Life after 4 years Abroad...

Wow!!! Never did I imagine I would still be here after 4 years of teaching with no end in mind. A lot has occurred, a lot of growth realized and a lot of people no longer with me on this journey. I am still thankful and feel blessed for this opportunity.  Yes, it's been and still is challenging, however, with God I can do ALL things.

So let's talk about some positives...

2017 brought heartache, happiness and blessings. I became singled again after a long but beautiful 4.5 year relationship. He was with me in the beginning of this journey but the distance became too much. No hard feelings on my part. This life isn't for everyone and I understand that to be true. I am taking with me a lot of beautiful and amazing memories that I will enjoy for the rest of my life. We traveled, we learned new things, we explored new cultures and made a few friends along the way. No complaints, no regrets.

2017 also brought me pain through a terrible accident where I was unfocused and managed to burn my whole hand, my arm and a few facial hairs trying to light a grill. YESSS!!! I burnt myself...2 and 3 degree burns. It was unfortunate but I did not let it ruin my summer break. We still managed to have an amazing Baby Shower for the long awaited arrival of my youngest sons first baby. Everything was great. Lots of smiling people celebrating our blessing from above. We had shirts made, had a beautiful and delicious cake and lots and lots of gifts...diapers for months.

2017 also made me a first time grandma or should I say Mi-ma. I am truly thankful and blessed for my little princess, Karson MaKenzie. She is adorable and gave me something wonderful to focus on as I dealt with the recently "singled" status. She was born on August 1st and brought so much LOVE into my life as well as the rest of the family.

2017 also provided the opportunity for me to go to Las Vegas for the first time in my LIFE!!! It was AWESOME. There I was able to let go and grow. I tackled my fear of heights as I leaped off of a 855ft building, screaming all the way down. I loved it. Now I want to tandem skydive. Crazy right????

Anyway, God is AWESOME!!! I know those that know Him know exactly what I mean. Through all my ups and downs, I'm still standing, holding my head up high and know without doubt how truly worthy I am as a beautiful black women. I cannot be broken, I refuse to be broken, I place my life in God's hands and therefore I am abundantly blessed.

Until next time
Stay Blessed

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