Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi
Adventure Beyond the Border

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homeless...but not really!

So this journey has truly been a challenge for me over the past two months. I have gone from living in a 4-star hotel with all the perks to living on an air mattress in a friends apartment. How you say...well this is how the story goes.

On Sunday (Oct. 6th) I was told that I needed to leave the hotel and move into my permanent housing accommodations. Those accommodations were call Sahara 4. Below are pictures from my anticipated permanent accommodations.

These accommodations as you can imagine were unacceptable. Who places people in housing such as this. I refused to go to the Sahara 4. I was told to go there for 3-4 days and I would be provided new permanent accommodations or a new hotel room. Again, I refused to go there even one day. Instead, I chose to ask a friend if I could stay with her and she was kind enough to allow me to do that. I could have made a stink and request an extension for my hotel stay but I was so tired of being in the hotel. I was the only one left in the hotel and had no one to talk to so I was happy to find other accommodations. 

Here it is a whole week later and I am still living on an air mattress in my friends apartment. I was told on the last day of school before EID that this was unacceptable and never should have happened. I was promised that I would have permanent housing on Sunday the 20th after EID. I found out that I was overlooked, forgotten, skipped over for permanent housing. EMT's in groups after me (group 3, 4 & 5) have received housing already. They were giving very nice accommodations. The good thing is that my Principal spoke on my behalf requesting that all teachers in his school (Al Qimma) receive good housing because we were dealing with enough at our school. The suggestion was made for Rihan Heights where my friend is living. I was told that there were no more apartments available there but that would have been nice to just have to roll my things to another apartment.

It's things like this that cause people to be runners. I choose to share the good and the "challenges" of this adventure. It's not always going to be positive everyday. Sometimes there are challenges that you will have to face. The goal is to be patient and think before you speak. Understand that all issues do not have to be confrontational even if the other party is being that way. Try to step back and understand situations from the other persons point of view. The journey will make you mature or become more angry with life. You can't react to situations in the negative ways that you used. Just because people respond to you in a negative way doesn't mean you have to react like them. Take the high road and know that it's their issue not yours and that kindness goes a long way. Remember the reason why you chose to accept this journey and that God would not have place this on your heart if it wasn't for you. He didn't say it would easy but He said you don't have to do it alone. Have faith, trust and believe that humbling yourself does not mean your are allowing people to walk over you. You get a lot more with honey...be the bigger person in each situation and you will always come out on top.

Sunday, October 20th, is D-day for me. The question remains "Will I have permanent housing or not"?

Til next time

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