I feel that there is a reason for this process and I may not know the reason but I will simply go with the flow. I know in my heart that His will doesn't always match my desires for my life. The moment we realize the God is in control and we turn over to Him the reigns of our lives...our lives will be better off. You cannot guide your live better then God so why do we try. Since going to the temporary assignment I have enjoyed a wonderful experience of teaching. Yes! Enjoyed! A year ago you would not have heard those words come from me. I was miserable in the public school system and wanted out! God place the right people in my life to guide me to this new adventure. I love it and Him!!!
The school is nice and the staff is friendly. I get to see students work hard and learn new things. No! it is not perfect by no means. Whenever you interact with other human beings their lives is imprinted on your life. If you do not stay focused on your higher power, your guide you will fall prey to the worlds problems, issues and stresses. We cannot allow other peoples "imprint" to penetrate out thoughts and cause issues in our lives. I trust God's will for my life and believe that all will work out the way it is suppose too. I may not be able to see the future or know when or if I will be going to Ghyathia but what I am sure of is that where ever I end up is where God wants me to be. I have been praying that I stay in Abu Dhabi at the temporary placement school however I will humbly go where I am lead to go. Following His will for my life.
This process is truly not for the soft hearted, the impatient, the control freak or even the logical thinker because nothing will make sense to you. You have to learn to relax and go with the flow and TRUST that His will will be done in His time...not yours!!!
Til next time
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